Rain Data as of  2025-02-12 22:50:00
Site  Rate in inches
per hour at  22:50:00
   Amount in inches
as of midnight
TR01 D. R. Guthrie WQTC0.00 0.22 
TR02 PRP Fire Station Training Facility0.00 0.50 
TR03 Shively PS0.00 0.55 
TR04 Morris Forman WQTC0.00 0.58 
TR05 Beargrass Creek PS0.12 0.47 
TR06 Hite Creek WQTC0.00 0.49 
TR07 Floyds fork WQTC0.00 0.63 
TR08 Fern Creek Fire Station #30.12 0.48 
TR09 Cedar Creek WQTC0.00 0.48 
TR10 Camp Horine (Jefferson Co. Forest)0.00 0.72 
TR11 Northern Ditch PS0.12 0.57 
TR12 Nightingale PS0.00 0.40 
TR13 St. Matthews Elementary School0.00 0.57 
TR14 Lea Ann Way PS0.00 0.47 
TR15 Grand Avenue0.00 0.57 
TR16 Stopher Elementary0.00 0.64 
TR17 Mt. St. Francis0.00 0.00 
TR18 IVY Tech0.00 0.56 
TR19 Fairdale High School0.00 0.48 
TR20 Pond Creek PS0.00 0.13 
TR21 Wheeler Basin0.00 0.00 
TR22 Billtown Rd PS0.00 0.44 
TR23 Transylvania Beach PS0.00 0.07 
TR24 Spencer County Middle School0.00 0.35 
TR25 Piccadilly0.00 0.35 
TR26 Buechel Basin0.00 0.33 
TR27 St. Michael Elementary0.00 0.66 
TR28 Simpsonville Fire Station0.00 0.53 
TR30 LG Compressor Station0.00 0.40 
TR31 South Central High School0.00 0.41 
TR32 Town of Corydon WWTP0.00 0.43 
TR33 AB Sawyer Park0.00 0.42 
TR34 Roosevelt-Perry Elementary0.00 0.85 
TR35 Dunn Elementary0.12 0.56 
TR36 Klondike Elementary0.00 0.51 
TR37 Stuart Middle School0.00 0.36 
TR38 Oldham County HS0.00 0.53 
TR39 Bullitt East HS0.00 0.00 
TR40 Zoneton Middle School0.00 0.47 
TR41 Shepherdsville Elementary School0.00 0.28 
TR42 University of Louisville0.12 0.56 
TR43 Lanesville0.00 0.53 
TR44 Clarksville - Town Council0.12 0.59 
TR46 Clarksville - Newman Ave0.00 0.67 
This rainfall data provided by the Louisville and Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District. Rainfall amounts are recorded in five
minute intervals. The webste is updated every 10 minutes. Zero values are not recorded. The rate of rain is measured in inches
per hour and total amount of rain is recored in inches.

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Ohio River Levels at Louisville - Upper Gauge     Ohio River Levels at Louisville - Lower Gauge